As the executives and employees of Yeşilyurt Enerji, we provide a healthy and safe working environment within the scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System focusing on continuous improvement by way of complying with national and international legal legislations and regulations.

Moreover, we hereby guarantee to:

Meet legal and other requirements related to our compliance obligations in terms of OHS,

Prevent the risks before they appear by means of selecting and using proper work equipment for the processes which constitute an OHS hazard,

Protect our employees, suppliers and visitors against any hazards they might encounter with,

Take the required measures, provide trainings for and raise the awareness of our employees to prevent any injuries and impairments of health which might result from these hazards,

Prepare contingency plans and share these plans with adjacent organizations and legal authorities and officers,

Assess and take any OHS hazards under control and develop projects for the matters with a high risk,

Analyse and minimize any health and safety risks which might appear at the working environment,

Improve our efficiency by means of taking any necessary measures with the adoption of the goals of zero occupational accident and zero occupational disease,

Organize training activities for raising and improving the awareness of Occupational Health and Safety,

Ensure the engagement of employees by consulting to them and their representatives within the frame of the requirements stipulated by the applicable standard,

Improve our OHS performance on a constant basis.
